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Saturday, February 05, 2011

Google is an accessory, Microsoft is a necessity.

Lately, there's been a lot of talk about who's more innovative - Microsoft or Google. I know what the general opinion among many average home users is - "it's Google." Let me try to prove why this is false and the only reason that makes you think Google is more innovative is out of a fake sense of loyalty towards Google because it has (for free), in many occasions helped you search for stuff online, complete projects and meet critical deadlines in time. But wait, there's more to it!

Before I start (screwing), I would like you to read Google's company description and Microsoft's company description on Google's own Finance section:

Google: "Google Inc. maintains an index of websites and other online content, and makes this information freely available through its search engine to anyone with an Internet connection. It generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising." (Advertising revenue percentage is approximately 95%-97%).

Microsoft: "Microsoft Corporation is engaged in developing, manufacturing, licensing and supporting a range of software products and services. Its software products and services include operating systems for personal computers, servers and intelligent devices, server applications for distributed computing environments; information worker productivity applications; business solutions applications; computing applications; software development tools, and video games."

The above descriptions pretty much summarize the domains in which the respective companies rule the roost - Google with search and Microsoft with the rest of the computing world. This does not prove a lot, but I thought it would be a nice soft start to my killer finish.

The Innovation (meaning: "the creation of new ideas or things")

The flat fact here is that Google sucks at innovation. Every project it ever started, users either threw them right into the Recycle Bin (and where they never got recycled) or was shut down by Google citing 'lack of general interest'. To name a few of them are - Google Buzz, Google Wave, Friend Connect, Google Desktop, Google Base (still in beta), Google Checkout, Google Toolbar, Google Latitude, Google Pack, etc. [Source: ZDNet]

I exactly know what you must be thinking now - "This author is an idiot. What about AdSense, YouTube, Android, Google Docs, Google Talk, Blogger, Picasa, Google Maps or Google Earth? Were they not innovation?" To which I'd say - "They were, but not Google's." All these products that I've listed in this paragraph were ALL acquired by Google from other companies. See this list of companies that Google acquired on Wikipedia and you'll be shocked to know that most of the 'Google' we know today is not actually not Google. People don’t know this because most of them are just happy go lucky average home users. They just see "I love YouTube, it belongs to Google, Google rocks!" But all that Google does is - buy a company that is doing something good, integrate the new service with Google accounts and throw it on your face. Google only did two things right till date - the Search & Gmail (PS: I'm assuming that Gmail was not acquired because I don't see it listed on Wikipedia as acquired). To sum up the whole paragraph I would just say "Google buys a house, paints it blue, and presents it to you."

"Ok, this was Google's side. What about Microsoft? Is Microsoft Innovative?" A straight fact - Microsoft is definitely innovative, but also way more innovative than Google. Now again - the problem here is that people see Microsoft only as Windows + Office (which is not free), but it's not so. Apart from the awesome Windows and Office combination, there's Kinect for XBOX, XBOX 360, Microsoft Surface, Exchange, Outlook, System Center, Forefront, Lync (OCS v2.0), SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows Azure, Office 365 (BPOS v2.0), Visual Studio, Silverlight, XNA, Robotic Studio, Expression Studio, Photosynth, DeepZoom, the gigantic .NET development environment, Halo, Age of Empires, Windows Phone, Zune, Bing, etc. I could just go on and on and on. This is not all, this is just what I know and trust me, I know very little.

Things that Microsoft Research does is so high-end and cutting-edge, that most of it is out of my ability to even comprehend. Just so that you get an idea, here is a Microsoft Research Project (Digital Narratives) that allows you to deep zoom into a paused full HD video, navigate the surrounding 360 degrees (even those regions that are off screen or out of screen frame) and resume after exploring the whole area in the video. All this is done right from scratch by dedicated, hard-working and highly technically equipped Microsoft employees spanning across the globe. Is this not innovation? I think it is. But just to be fair here is a list of companies Microsoft acquired. Only Hotmail and Visio are the popular service/product we use were not originally developed by Microsoft - but then they were totally revamped to the Microsoft standard. Compare both the lists and decide for yourself who is more innovative. You know when your father says "Technology is moving very fast, my son." People like those at Microsoft are responsible for it.

The Survival Test

"Ok, then why is there a common notion of Google being cooler?". Simple - as I already mentioned in the very beginning that Google serves you with web results for free and Microsoft charges you for their software. But what people don't get is that Google uses targeted advertising for their source of revenue. That's why. Imagine using Windows OS with advertisements - you plug in a USB stick and see a pop up "Kingston Pen Drives for Sale, just for $8.99!! Click here to buy now!" Would you like it? No, right.

The thing to be understood here is that every company has it's own bread and butter products that generate income which enables the company to sustain existence. Ask Google to serve results without advertisements or Microsoft to make Windows Open Source - none would agree to do it. That's how the business model is. Ultimately, the consumers pay for a demand to be met and the companies earn - in one way or the other.

To make things interesting, imagine a hypothetical scenario: Imagine the world for one day without Google - anyone could still do most of their work and search on Bing, use Hotmail instead of Gmail and watch videos on a DVD instead on YouTube. Not a very difficult life. Now imagine the world for one day without any Microsoft software - No Windows OS, no enterprise software, no Word, Excel or PowerPoint. Imagine the millions of businesses that run on Microsoft software all coming to an abrupt halt. Right from the supermarket next door to billion dollar enterprises like HCL, IBM, Yahoo!, etc. Imagine computers at airports that run Windows - all coming to a sudden stop. ATMs that facilitate cash withdrawals 24x7 refusing to spill cash. As good as the 2012 apocalypse, right?

You can survive without Google, but not Microsoft. Period. That is the impact of Microsoft software on the world. Microsoft is like Oxygen and Google like ice-cream. Everyone likes ice-cream but take oxygen for granted.  Google is like a 16 year old teenager who thinks he is smarter than his dad, but ultimately - Microsoft is the Big Daddy and will always be. Google is an accessory, Microsoft is a necessity.

It's not over yet: Coming tomorrow weekend special - "Google Wonder Blunders". Stay tuned!


  1. Very True Brother.. It is Microsoft world and I am living it!!

    Google says itself god of internet. One just please compare the functionality, look n feel and presentation of resources of Google and Microsoft network. You'll come to know everything..

    There is advertisement on almost every website of Google networks but in Microsoft network they are on some websites only...

  2. the points above innovation is very right!
    but then if no windows then we have mac n linux
    if no ms office then google docs! then open office!
    if microsoft would hav not invented windows mac or linux would have ruled the world, so its about ne...ed and filling the need
    more specifically microsft hit the market at right time n right place
    i disagree with last para
    you can live without microsoft but think of life without google,google doc,gmail,maps etc

    if microsoft products halted some companies will be down forever-- agree
    but then their is no comparision because peolple nd companies will move to linux n mac simultaneously

    imagine if google n its services stops-- you will feel world has lo...st its speed n everything is very slow

    ever seen hotmail n microsofts website? i feel they still on 1990's technology. takes too much too load
    but have you ever seen speed as fast as google instant?

    wasn't google instant is an innovation?See More

  3. The article over here my friend, though well-researched from the POV of Microsoft, is overtly biased and unnecessarily metaphorized.

    To clear the air, I am neither a Google fanboy nor a Microsoft fanatic.

    1. Bing as you mention, started as a weak imitation of Google and to an extent is still fighting to come out of its shadow. The fact that it is slowly gaining grounds is commendable but this pace coming from a player who existed in the search space prior to Google(Msn Search) is disappointing.
    2. Talking of innovation here, you will be surprised to know that Google has done wonderful research in distributed systems(for what Azure is an example). Its proprietary MapReduce platform is emulated by Apache Hadoop which in turn is used by Facebook and also Microsoft. Recently launched Dryad by MS is an attempt to come out of the shadows again (reminds me of the Bing-Google search story). Source: Channel Register

    I can go on further but then, I am kinda feeling lazy to type right now. Oh yeah, let me mention the sweet tale you conjured of world without MS and subsequently without Google. No one thought 20 years back, that Microsoft will get this big. The practical relevance of Windows in day to day life was not even worth thinking about. But the world has changed and rest assured it keeps changing. I am not saying Microsoft is not at the forefront of innovation. MS has achieved an unparalleled status in tech industry. Infact, I'd say WP7 scores more than Android on many aspects. But to mock a company that has become legendary, and blindly follow one side is not the way forward. Innovation, my friend is akin to opening your eyes, seeing the world around you and doing what you can to make it better.

    Woah, I never made a comment this long. But cant help it this time.

    PS: You have a Google powered Search. I guess its time you changed that to Bing :P

  4. It is not at all true. Why didn't you describe about Linux. If there is no Microsoft,Excellent Linux (ubuntu or Kubuntu) OS (including Desktop OS or Servers) which is always free and more secure than microsoft (Which is more good and Microsoft is copying many of its idea from Linux)

  5. Dude thanks for the info; there were many things I was not aware of. I've felt the same way for a lot of time, and I was trying to explain it to my friends, but they all have BLIND FAITH in Google...feel sorry for them :(

    All I can say: One of the best posts I ever read. Keep up the great job Kunal. :)

  6. To the life of me, I don't know how I fell in this place but still I couldn't stop myself to comment.

    [quote]Be a nice soft start to my killer finish.[/quote]
    Self-praise is no recommendation. Please.

    [quote]"This author is an idiot. What about AdSense, YouTube, Android, Google Docs, Google Talk, Blogger, Picasa, Google Maps or Google Earth? Were they not innovation?" To which I'd say - "They were, but not Google's." All these products that I've listed in this paragraph were ALL acquired by Google from other companies. [/quote]
    FYI, if you try to list these things, remember DOS by Microsoft was not even an original product by Microsoft. It was bought from a guy named Tim Paterson, who is not even given the credit. Remember, when this all started? DOS you might say. I do not intend to add to the list.
    You yourself wrote "This author is an idiot." No, I am not saying anything ;)

    [quote]Apart from the awesome Windows and Office combination, [/quote]
    haha..awesome combination. I was using Windows earlier, I made presentations using Power Point. The day I switched to MAC, I realised the real power out there with Apple Keynote in MAC along with other superior suites.
    MSOffice = #fail

    [quote]I think it is. But just to be fair here is a list of companies Microsoft acquired.

    "Kingston Pen Drives for Sale, just for $8.99!! Click here to buy now!" Would you like it? No, right.
    *facepalm* What a comparison? Where does that fit into.
    Still, there is a huge difference between the number of Windows users and the number of users who are all online today (I hope you know we just exhausted IPv4). Even if they are using Windows, all of them go to Google.
    Also, these two domains are different, and if you didn't intend to compare these two, I don't understand the basis for the article.

    [quote]Imagine the world for one day without Google - anyone could still do most of their work and search on Bing, use Hotmail instead of Gmail and watch videos on a DVD instead on YouTube. Not a very difficult life. Now imagine the world for one day without any Microsoft software - No Windows OS, no enterprise software, no Word, Excel or PowerPoint. [/quote]
    Apple #ftw as I already said.

    [quote]ATMs that facilitate cash withdrawals 24x7 refusing to spill cash.[/quote]
    *double facepalm* Do ATM's use Windows

    More .... Leave it.. kthxbye
    I know Microsoft is famous to get the people ensnared in their technologies but there's a real good world out there. Get the facts correct dude! Little knowledge is a dangerous thing..
    Bye Microsoft fanboy ;)

  7. Very good analysis!
    Its hard to engulf the facts, but after all they are true.

  8. @Who are We - Pointed out correctly, if there was no Windows, there would be Mac and Linux. But the situation I was talking about was an abrupt one - you wake up one day and it's gone. Companies will gradually transition just like a person who has lost his limb in an accident will eventually put on a bionic arm. But imagine the horror of the day. Wouldn't it be horrible? Also, true.. hotmail is slower than GMail, agreed. Google Instant is definitely an innovation - but how useful is it? I really don't see a difference in search experience during search. It's like a fart machine - cool but not of any real significant use.

    @Ace11 - I agree that my article is biased towards Microsoft. The reason being false rigged allegations of Google against Bing (http://techhyp72.blogspot.com/2011/02/bing-vs-google-whos-real-villain.html). Google always tries to show Microsoft in bad light (Now with Bing Vs Google, earlier with Office 2010 Vs Google Docs, the DoJ CA lawsuit, etc). So I decided to do it once. Google always stick it's finger up Microsoft's nose. Remember when Google cried foul when Bing partnered with Facebook? Remember when Google cried foul when facebook refused to allow it to index itself? It should try to do what it can best and not cry like a baby or point to companies when things don't turn in it's favor.

    @Anonymous (the first one) - Read my post directed to "Who are We" above.

    @Anonymous (the second one) - You're a bit off topic. Apple is good. Mac, iPhone, iPod or iPad are good too. The discussion here is about Google Vs. Microsoft. Apart from that, you've done nothing but just scrutinized my english, added #twitter tags and *facepalms*. No significant contribution to the discussion. Maybe I don;t have my facts correct, help me get them right then! ;)

    @Shaleen, Vishal, Abin - Thank you.. :)

  9. @To all those who pointed out a few points...

    1) Mac wouldn't FREE :P Moreover you need to buy their hardware to run their Software !!! People are not in a position to but genuine windows what they'll buy MAC !!
    2) Open a Google Doc on the browser and see IT SUCKS! All the formats are gone.. (Alignment, Indent.. etc)
    3) In Business its important to HIT the Market at " The Right Time, Right Place & with the Right Thing " - Microsoft is Best at it!!
    4) Talking about Microsoft's Website... Go Better Checkout now... http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/preview/default.aspx
    5) Have you ever seen any Live Video Steaming without Buffering ??? Go attend any of the Virtual Tech Days or Microsoft Leadership Conclave or Live Screenings of Microsoft Events !!! You will be astonished!
    6) I read some guys' post talking about Linux... Dude Tell me how man people in this world got attracted to it In spite of knowing its FREE !! :P Linux is free no doubt... but the layman needs something which is easy for him to use and also understand :P :D

    @Kunal: Way to Go! \m/ Cheers!

  10. No matter who is better , but u just wrote an amazing piece of article.. :) I liked your writing style..

  11. @RISIT

    1) Mac wouldn't FREE :P Moreover you need to buy their hardware to run their Software !!! People are not in a position to but genuine windows what they'll buy MAC !!------------ makes no sense!

    2) Open a Google Doc on the browser and see IT SUCKS! All the formats are gone.. (Alignment, Indent.. etc)
    3) In Business its important to HIT the Market at " The Right Time, Right Place & with the Right Thing " - Microsoft is Best at it!!------------- Upgrade your browser from IE to firefox or chrome and they will work perfectly. Moreover every website will work perfectly ;)

    4) Talking about Microsoft's Website... Go Better Checkout now... http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/preview/default.aspx --- its still a big shit! Go search it out.

    5) Have you ever seen any Live Video Steaming without Buffering ??? Go attend any of the Virtual Tech Days or Microsoft Leadership Conclave or Live Screenings of Microsoft Events !!! You will be astonished! ----- DUDE! TELL ME SOMETHING NEW! PEOPLE ARE DOING THIS FROM YEARS.. you a kid saying this at 2011 ?? man! too slow!

    6) I read some guys' post talking about Linux... Dude Tell me how man people in this world got attracted to it In spite of knowing its FREE !! :P Linux is free no doubt... but the layman needs something which is easy for him to use and also understand :P :D -------- HAHAHAH bettery try it out baby! Ubuntu, kubuntu they will kick your microsoft windows out of box! with no layman needs. From another point of view, Linux n open source dev are far better than Microsofts .net framework bounded guys

    PS: dont use google blogspot services if you guys have such issues. Please dont forget to upgrade your web browsers from IE to firefox or chrome , you will enjoy google docs!!

  12. As long as we're comparing innovation, let's compare it on the basis of.. you guessed it, innovation!

    I'm not gonna spoonfeed anyone here. You take a product from MS or Google and then decide for yourself. Here are some guidelines to help you come to a decision:
    1. Including an innovative feature in an acquired product still counts as innovation. The acquisition then counts as a good decision.
    2. Copying a product and branding it with a well known brand is not innovation, although it is a competitive strategy.
    3. Making a product really well counts as good programming/designing/engineering, but not necessarily as innovation.

    YouTube isn't Google's innovation.
    Android also isn't, but the notification bar in Android is a major innovation by Google.

    Xbox also isn't really innovative.
    Halo is just good.. ok.. great programming (not much innovation).

  13. @ Anonymous who virtually fu**ed Kunal : U rock man......

    @ Rishit : Dude, u SUCK, not Google Docs.. Getting to work on your documents on the GO, on any device with internet connectivity is COOL... without knowing anything, don't comment shit...
    Linux being diff to use.. Did u search in BING and found an outdated article which claimed so ??? If so, try GOOGLE - its cool.
    Senseless commenting....

    @ Kunal - The Idiotic Author : The only right statement in the entire article... Rest all seemed worse than a shit...
    Kiddo, when u don't know things, Its better to keep ur a** shut.. The entire article is an attempt to show ur fake "heroism" , a symbol of Idiotic writing, stupidity and nonsense...
    Innovation == Google.
    If you cant agree that, better know facts well.
    One point that would be good enuf to answer you is Google Atleast doesn't steal like Microsoft does and Google atleast doesn't have US Gov to monitor its functioning and to avoid fraud in the company...
    RIP Kunal..
    Its easy to bark, but hard to justify.
    Though I have commented this as an anonymous, I know u well Kiddo.
    Making senseless comments on company like Google by a crap, junk piece of person like u makes no sense. Post Sensible on this Google Powered Blog, even if you don't, this Google powered blog has some reputation.

  14. @Anonymous above:

    Dude, dude.. relax. Don't get your panties tight. Whatever you want to call it, heroism or fanboyism - it's your call. The way you've reacted clearly shows that my article has lit a fire up your rear. I'm sorry for that. Now go bring a tissue paper, wipe your tears, dust yourself up and be strong. Don't breakdown emotionally on such petty issues.

    And talking about the "@ Anonymous who virtually fu**ed Kunal" - he at least presented some healthy reasonable arguments, unlike you. You're just clueless about technology. And do you see the number of facebook 'likes' on the post above? They signify people who are in agreement with what I've written. So how is it just me talking against Google?

    Secondly, you say: "Though I have commented this as an anonymous, I know u well Kiddo." Why? Were you scared of me? Don't worry, I'm not gonna harm you. LOL!

  15. @suhail
    Lets talk of Innovation. Lets count then.

    Google Sky Maps -- Purely google, check them out.

    Google Instant -- Making web lighting fast. Speed is all that we need in this era, again not like microsofts 90's websites.

    Google docs --- Every document you need is now on web. Even if you don't have a PC, Sit in a Internet Cafe and prepare your docs.

    Google Mail ---- World's first Lighting fast email service, not like live mail bloody slow again.

    Google Notebook ---- This is product from where WINDOWS copied the office notebook thing or something. Google it to know more :)

    If we will talk about innovation Google is leading actually!

    But the area is different, Google is working on RIGHT THING and MICROSOFT is working on WRONG PLATFORM.

    Think about the FUTURE! In future we will need HIGH data transfer at very high speed. Google is aimed at it, google is looking at communications!

    Talk about the competition, well! Microsoft's competitor is APPLE! Go compete with it , why competing with Google? when Google has nothing do to with what Microsoft is doing?

    Talking about IE and CHROME ? Haven't you seen Google experiments at http://www.chromeexperiments.com/
    Look at the Javascript support on this browser and checkout its speed! and do same with your so called IE 9.

    Google aims at providing high technology to every user, to whole of this world. Microsoft is aiming at providing products to increase sale.

    kinect is good, no doubt. But then what else??

  16. @guy who doesn't know who we are:
    That was a very spirited, perhaps over-spirited reply.
    I am glad to see atleast you've followed the guidelines. And that's why I set them. To eradicate baseless arguments. Although you've mentioned mainly Google's products and not MS's, you've atleast shown half of what I wanted everyone to find out for themselves:
    Google is HIGHLY innovative.
    The other part is that MS's innovation is mostly in stuff like the Surface. (Google's voice features are much more feasibly useful.) As far as their other products go, MS is more of good engineering (and in some cases good attempts at engineering gone bad [like trying to keep Windows alive, and ending up with Vista. I appreciate the attempt]) than innovation.

    That said, I have throughly enjoyed Microsoft's work in their latest games, Office and Visual Studio, the latter two being very innovative.

  17. Every IT person would know who is better in terms of innovation. GOOGLE.
    But by the way, good post.

  18. I am core .NET Developer,As i am working on .NET, i know the faces of some technologies like WCF, Silverlight, VisualStudio, LINQ etc... they are really making amazing apps and developers life easy..but when some search comes to mind, I google it. These two are good in their business.

    I thought BillGates and LaryPage never had a fight like this on each other.. coz they know the efforts required to build a company and make it success.. doesn't' matter, it can be a Software company or a Dabba Waala Company.. My point is, at some point of time, we all might have used the products of both MS and GOG freely. Lets leave their Innovation standards to them. Just think as users of the products of both MS and GOG, are we really eligible for questioning their innnovation.. whats our innnovation?? Please respect the efforts of the legends and get inspired by them.

    hope everyone take it positively...

  19. @Kunal.. I liked your post.. you should have an Unlike button also to see how many unlike it.. Based on the likes count only, one cannot decide that a post is a useful one..
